ScanFactor Helps You

Find the right candidates

Recruiter Benefits

We bring the digital world to career fairs to make it easier to find the right candidates for your company faster.

Collect Candidate Information

With a simple scan, you can have more information about career fair candidates than ever before.

See Profile Pictures

We know that after talking to hundreds of candidates it is difficult to remember faces–that is no longer an issue.

Completely Digital

You'll never have to sort through a stack of paper resumes again.

Organization and Ease

We automatically organize all of the contacts you make at a career fair to make your job so much easier.

Export and Share

Share all of the contacts you made at the career fair with anyone at your company with a click of a button.

Keep Your Contacts

The data that you collect at career fairs will persist and you'll be able to access candidates from past fairs.

Real-time Data | Improved Interactions

After scanning a student's QR code in the ScanFactor app, you can view the student's resume, LinkedIn profile, graduation date, GPA, degree type, and take notes on the conversation.

Recruiter mobile app interface
Recruiter mobile app interface

Take Notes on Interactions

Ever had trouble remembering which paper resume represented which person? Well, no longer. Recruiters can take notes to remember the people, conversations, and connections from the day!

See All of Your Favorites

No more sifting through stacks of paper resumes. See all of your favorite candidates in one easy, fast view. The trees will thank you.

Recruiter mobile app interface

ScanFactor for Recruiters

Check out this video to experience ScanFactor from the recruiter's perspective.

Finding Top Candidates

Visit after the career fair to view dashboards of the connections you made at the event. Easily sort and search for candidates, review candidates' experience and education, see profile photos and notes to remember the interactions that occurred.

Sign Up Today
Recruiter dashboard with candidate info

Export Your Data

Export the data that ScanFactor collects into CSV files to use with any system or easily share.

Filter the Candidates

Quickly sort and filter to find the people that match the roles you are hiring for.

Review More Information Faster

Instantly view a digital version of the candidates resume, see their LinkedIn profile, or check out their portfolio.

Companies That Have Used ScanFactor